Why choose the iHealth NMN?

Laboratory level Grade 1 99.8% Firstt NMN list on the PDR cGMP How to order: Order directly: Click Here (4 bottle 12000mg package for 500USD) Register a member to save $$$: Click Here   (4 bottles 12000mg package for 500USD – only pay 450USD)

learn more about the NMN

We recommend use the iHealth GENE BALANCE – first approved by PDR and cGMP standardize – 99.8% pure first grade NMN. How to order: Order directly: Click Here (4 bottles 12000mg  package for 500USD) Register a member to save $$$: Click Here   (4 bottles 12000mg package for 500USD – only pay 450USD) visit officials website: https://nmnhealth.iglglobal.com 

Human Trials

For NMN to be approved by the FDA as a therapeutic agent, this NAD+ precursor must be shown to be both safe and effective in treating medical conditions in humans. These studies typically are informed and guided by preclinical studies — a stage of research that begins before clinical trials and during which important feasibility, iterative testing, and drug safety […]

Taking NMN

How Much NMN Do I Need To Take For It To Be Effective? Most rodent studies showing NMN’s effectiveness in preventing age-related ailments use dosages of about 300 mg/kg. So, for a 75 kg (about 165 pounds) person, this would equate to 22,500 mg (22.5 g). Given the cost of NMN, this would likely cost over $100 per dose and, […]

Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN): Benefits, Side Effects & Dosage

Thanks to modern medicine and advances in public health, the world’s population is living longer. The number of people aged over 80 will triple in the next 30 years, according to the projections of World Population Prospects 2019 from the United Nations’ Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA). However, a long life doesn’t guarantee a healthy life. Our body gets […]

What does NMN do

NMN has been shown to boost levels of an essential molecule with crucial roles in over 400 metabolic reactions called nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+). Falling NAD+ levels with age have been linked to age-related conditions in animals like mice and rats and even humans, but increasing NAD+ with NMN improves these ailments. Age-related NAD+ level reductions have been linked to […]

What is NMN

  NMN stands for nicotinamide mononucleotide, a molecule naturally occurring in all life forms. At the molecular level, it is a ribo-nucleotide, which is a basic structural unit of the nucleic acid RNA. Structurally, the molecule is composed of a nicotinamide group, a ribose and a phosphate group (Figure 1). NMN is the direct precursor of the essential molecule nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) and […]